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Scouting during Covid-19

The 2020-2021 Scouting Season will look a bit different, as we take steps to ensure that we are following Public Health guidelines regarding personal safety and social distancing. While some outdoor programming will be taking place, youth will also have the option to participate in some virtual scout meetings.

Check out to see the tools that are being applied to ensure safe scouting this year, and contact your section scouter to learn what exciting activities are being planned for this year!


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Scouter Dave and Scouter Helen - 27th Oshawa Scouts
About Us

Helen and Dave are volunteer Scouters with the 27th Oshawa Scouts. We are Troop Scouters and Venturer Advisors whose philosophy is to teach by example, and to allow the youth to learn through experiential learning.

We created and maintain this website to ensure that you are kept informed about Scouting events, and so that you can see what our youth are up to throughout the year.

If you have any fun ideas or activities that you would like to share, or if you would like to meet with us to discuss our program, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you!

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